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2 Man Best Ball ~ Neutral 3rd Party Picks

Considering the Men’s Club Captain is blind and the Vice-Captain exudes un-filtered narrative 24/7, the Men’s Club has looked to an independent third party for unbiased 2 Man Best Ball picks and estimated auction prices:

1. Kris Yardley and Perry Nishihata. Estimated Auction price $650. Yardley is going to have to learn how to win in a team event but has a great partner in Perry who can hit the ball and contribute some good scores. Yardley also stopped by the members lounge yesterday with his work partner trying to intimidate would be auction adversaries which is a telling indication of his confidence level. We will see if the net effect is fewer bidders on the top team or a feeding frenzy driving his price up.

2. Minto Roy and Barry Ennis. Estimated Auction price $500. Who would not have the king of money games at the top of the pick list? Minto and Barry have combined for many wins in the past so if Barry programs his robotics properly, these two should be on the podium.
2. Danny and Walter Koriath. This late entry could be a plant, enough said.

4. Heath Stone (lower body injury) and Keith Gill. Estimated Auction price $400. Keith has been playing lights out and with the new found distance from his bionic driver may give Heath a run for his money even up. Heath has been nursing his overuse injury for a while now but with the two of them sharing a cart flying the handicap flag, our best bet is that Keith will inspire Heath with stories of rules infractions from days gone by and Heath will catch fire with a string of birdies. Either that or the round will form the basis of a new sitcom “Heath and Keith”.

5. Sean Anderson and Glenn Shapendonk. Sean has been on a bit of a tournament hot streak this year and with Shappy riding a swelling cap, this is a dangerous team.
5. Ralph Altenried and Gavin Copland. Gavin has been playing great but it’s hard to concentrate when your partner is throwing you under the bus between shots. It’s rumored that there may be a sedative in the sugar bowl before the round though so these two should be challenging for a podium spot.
Estimated Auction price $350.

7. Michael Yamamoto and Craig Anderson. Always downplaying his own chances, Yak pops his head out when he thinks no one is watching and with a good partner in Craig, this is a good dark horse team. Estimated auction price $300.

8. Kim Fordyce and Dan Lafleur (if Kim uses his wife’s driver and Dan plays the Coffee song by Frank Sinatra over and over in the cart)
8. Ken Nishi and Tiff Tonn (lower body injury)
These are two sleeper teams who are sure to not go backwards but may also not go forwards unless the 4 steady eddies take some chances to make some scores. Estimated auction price $250.

Estimated Auction price $200
10. Dan Walton and Rod Hughes
10. Michael Uhm and Jack Tossavainen
10. Bob Grant and Frank Franco
10. Steve Rice-Jones and Sam Gandesha
10. Chris Begg and Joel Levene
10. Ron Dunsire and Angelo Viani
all of these teams have great upside depending on how everyone plays but have one hot and one cold player so it’s anyone’s guess who shows up tomorrow.

16. Brent Lineker (hip and tongue overuse injuries) and Steve Coppin  (lower body injury, mid body injury and upper body injury). Even though Steve won last week, Brent’s commentary is sure to remind him how he got injured in the first place. Estimated Auction price $100

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